
Yes, together!

Especially, when writing about the teen and adult way of thinking, psychology, in brief, one thing, no one can ever neglect is their reach about other people, about their friend, about their loved ones and crushes! These things define a prominent portion of his/her behavior and the things he/she can do. They dominantly affect the overall nature of the respective being!

So, what do these things have to do with the word 'together'?
'Together' indicates love, having someone's back, having support, having affection! Imagine someone, you love from your deep, pure heart, your soul, being with you, in the silent crowd, looking at you, with the exact dedication and affection as you do! That's one of the best feelings in the whole wide world, that one can experience if he has the right company, and they are by words, together!

I always write about the blooms of life or how to get into them, but the truth about togetherness is, that it happens when it has to, no one is capable of making these things happen!
It makes you wait till the time, no matter what, you have to wait! But when it happens, it makes everything in the universe to perform its best!

Hence, the word together means a lot to every one of us! No matter what situation you are going through, being with someone, being together is the one thing everyone, urges for!

This is a whole other topic to discuss on. If you think you have no one, then its just time. It is playing with you dumb! It is testing you. If you perform, you find the one you want (rather, you deserve) very soon. How soon? No one knows, but soon? Definitely!

Waiting, endures the wait!

Don't wait for something to happen. Just live normal life a change will happen. At the most unexpected times, it will. Yes! It will.

Keep Reading!
Keep Growing!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. It's great to hear from you.

  2. Togetherness that's quite enlightening

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like the part of 'Timing'.Ultimately it is all about timing. If you really have a chemistry all you need is timing. It's not you finding love cause it is love who finds you in its own magical way at the right time . All you gotta do is just hang in there 😉

    1. Exactly!!!
      I am glad you get it!!!
      Stay tuned for more content!


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