The Habit Logic!
It takes about 21 days to apply a habit, they say. How does that work? Well, one of my favorite quotes is this one by Aristotle. You are what you repeatedly do. So! A habit is applied when you repeatedly do one thing or perform one task by equal intervals of time. Okay, this might sound a bit nerdy, but you have to perform them periodically, and consistently. There's a book by Charles Duhigg named 'The power of habit' He has mentioned a three-word rule for a habit as, Cue - Routine - Reward Cue : The Cue means a thing or a clue that will always remind you of making that habit you want. Establishing a cue is really simple. I mean if you want to do it, you can do it in a snap. Just think for a moment about what habit you want to make. For example, if you want to drink more water daily, the cue for it would be placing a cup or a glass of water on your work table or where you spend most of your time. So every time you see it, you'll take a sip. That wo...